Friday, December 7, 2018

Cybersecurity Dos and Don'ts Your Employees Should Follow

DO:Check Mark

  1. Use care when entering passwords in front of others
  2. Create and maintain strong passwords and change them every 60-90 days (We recommend a combination of lowercase & uppercase letters and special characters)
  3. Change your password immediately if you suspect that it has been compromised
  4. Report suspicious activity to the IT team/CSIRT to help minimize cyber risks
  5. Protect personal computers and devices with anti-virus/anti-malware software when working remotely, and keep it current


  1. Allow others to use your login ID or password
  2. Use the same password for every applicationX Mark
  3. Store passwords on a piece of paper or other easily accessible document
  4. Open email or attachments if the sender is unknown or suspicious
  5. ​Get caught by phishing attempts, which can occur via email, phone, instant message, SMS or social media
  6. Provide information such as login IDs, passwords, social security numbers, account numbers, etc. via unencrypted email
  7. Leave your laptop or mobile device unattended while in a public place. Lost or stolen equipment, including mobile devices connected to corporate network, should be reported immediately
  8. Keep open files containing personal or confidential information on your desks or in an unlocked file cabinet when away from your office/desk
  9. Install unauthorized programs on your work (or home) computer
  10. Plug in personal devices without permission from IT