#sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
The installation process should automatically start the NFS service. To verify that the service is indeed running, execute the following command:
#sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server status
If the output from the above command indicates that the service is not running, it may started as follows:
#sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server start
Sharing Folders
Configuring an NFS server is as simple as placing a line in the /etc/exports file. That line has three pieces of information:
The directory to be shared (exported)
The computer, NIS group, hostname, domain name or subnet allowed to access that directory
Any options, such as ro or rw, or several other options
Any folders which are to be shared are listed in the /etc/exports file which may be edited from a terminal window as follows. There's one line for each directory being shared. The general syntax is:
directory_being_shared subnet_allowed_to_access(options)
#sudo gedit /etc/exports
Each folder that is to be shared via NFS must have an entry in this file. The basic syntax is as follows:
For example, to allow a system with the IP address of to access /tmp with read-only access, the following entry would be added to the /etc/exports file:
Similarly, to also make the folder accessible to a system with the hostname ubuntu2 with read/write permission, the line would read as follows:
/tmp,sync,no_subtree_check) ubuntu2(rw,sync,no_sub_tree_check)
Alternatively, to provided read/write access to all hosts, simply use the wildcard character (*):
/tmp *((rw,sync,no_sub_tree_check)
Once the folder entries have been made in the /etc/exports file, the current settings may be checked at any time by running the exportfs command:
#sudo exportfs
Mounting an NFS Share on a Client
Mounting an NFS share on a client can be simple. At its simplest it might look like this:#mount -t nfs -o ro /mnt/test
That same mount can be performed in /etc/fstab with the following syntax:
# /mnt/test nfs rw 0 0
There are many mount options that can be used, and those are listed in this article.
Great NFS howto. It worked like a charm for me.
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